Friday, November 20, 2015

Matthew 9 Lord of the Harvest Mary Alice

“All Power”
Aim:  “Choose to answer the call of the Lord of the harvest.”
 Introduction:  Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming. The food must be salted perfectly. Tree lights, candle lights will make your ordinary home beautiful and festive!
The world needs salt and light.  Will you labor alongside the Lord of the Harvest to bring his message of healing and forgiveness to the lost in the world?
1-A paralytic man was brought by his friends to Jesus. He healed the man-body and soul.
"Who will you bring to the Lord of the harvest?"
2- John's disciples were confused about the need for fasting. They brought their questions to Jesus. (John had said, “He must increase and I must decrease.”)
Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. (Cow illustration)
 Jesus explained with the illustrations of the
·        new /old cloth
·         new wine/old wine skins
"Is there so someone you need to love for the Lord of the Harvest?"

3-A ruler of the synagogue had a daughter who had died. Jesus went to lay hands on her and heal her.
On the way a woman with an issue of blood was healed by touching the hem of his (ordinary) garment. (He had let the Pharisees know that their broad hems were a sign of their pride.) This woman was unclean.
"Is there someone you need to “touch” for the Lord of the Harvest?”
4-Two persistent blind men followed Jesus, begging him for mercy. (They knew that He knew their needs.) He healed them.
Some believed; some doubted.
(Jeremiah 29:13 “And you shall seek me….)
He looked on the crowds and had compassion, for they were as sheep having no shepherd.  They were wandering not searching. In danger of falling, getting trapped, cast down, dying of hunger/thirst.
Who are the blind? Who need the salt and the light? Your compassion? Your prayers?
Dietrich Bonheoffer realized that Hitler was a real danger. He joined a group to set out to kill Hitler. Bonheoffer was caught, and died in a concentration camp.
Matthew 28:18 “All power!”
“Will you ask the Lord of the Harvest for that passion?”
Will you pray, “Lord here am I. Send me to be the salt and the light to a world in need”?

Mary Alice McDanal

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