SLIDE 1 Our theme for this year has been Salt and Light. Isaiah 9:2 was timely.
V.9 The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light;
those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness,
on them has light shined
have seen a great light;
those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness,
on them has light shined
SLIDE 2 We hope you had a blessed
Mother’s Day. Jesus loves women. It is evident through the gospels that
Jesus had a special place in His heart for women.
From the cross Jesus instructed John to care for His mother, Mary. John 19:26-27
These women each had an encounter with Jesus for healing or salvation.
From the cross Jesus instructed John to care for His mother, Mary. John 19:26-27
These women each had an encounter with Jesus for healing or salvation.
Peter’s mother in law healed
Jairus’ daughter brought back from dead
Woman with an issue of blood healed, Jesus declared
her Faith
Canaanite woman with demon possessed daughter healed
Mary and Martha sisters of Lazarus (Special friends of
Jesus in Luke and John)
Mary Magdalene cast out seven demons
Samaritan women at the well forgiven (John 4)
Woman caught in adultery forgiven (John 8)
The Resurrection Story has
always proves it. How awesome is it that women were the first to see Jesus
after He arose! They were at the foot of the cross and the first to carry the
message of His resurrection.
Ladies do you believe Jesus loves you? Do you believe He
wants to give you the desires of your heart? Let’s tell others of His great
love for His Daughters. Be salt and light to the world. Shine.
SLIDE 3 Matthew 28
1-10 Women see
angel: Jesus met women v.9-10
Guards bribed to say Jesus’ body was stolen
Disciples meet Jesus at Galilee and received the Great Commission
SLIDE 4 1Now
after the Sabbath, toward the dawn
of the first day of the week, Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb.2 And behold,
there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and
came and rolled back the stone and sat
on it.3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing
white as snow.4 And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men.5 But the angel said to the women, "Do not be
afraid, for I know that you seek
Jesus who was crucified.6 He is not here, for he has risen, as he
said. “Come, see the place where he lay.”
SLIDE 5 9And behold,
Jesus met them and said, "Greetings!" Not only did He leave a angelic messenger to calm their fears but He waited for them and to reassure them.
not be afraid; go and tell my brothers
to go to Galilee, and there they will see me."
WW “Come and see!” was followed by “Go and tell!” We must not keep the resurrection news to ourselves.
The angel sent the women to tell (of
all people) Christ’s own disciples. Be salt and light to the world. Go Tell!
SLIDE 6 II-Guards
bribed to lie (28:11-15)
11 Guards went into the city and told the chief priests
all that had taken place. They voted and
gave money to the soldiers. "Tell
people, 'His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep. We will keep you out of trouble."
The disciples ran from the
trial and the cross. Would they be brave enough to steal a dead body from
Roman Soldier? Would they die for hoax?
SLIDE 7 The four
gospels have subtle differences which do not cause contradiction. One angel
or two, inside the tomb or sitting on the stone, the timing of the earthquake,
how many women and in what order did they come to the tomb, with spices or not.
These small discrepancies prove the story was not a fabrication. The gospels
were written by four different men.
These things we know…
early on the first day of the week.
stone was rolled away.
angels announced “He has risen!”
were the first to arrive “Come see.”
tomb was empty; grave clothes left
command, “Go tell disciples.”
said, “Go tell my brothers.”
The stone was not rolled away to permit Jesus to come out, for He
had already left the tomb. It was rolled back so that the people could see for
themselves that the tomb was empty.
SLIDE 8 What did they see in the tomb? John 20: 5– 7 6 Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw
the linen cloths lying there,7 and the face cloth, which had been on
Jesus' head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up in a place by itself. (Who would unwrap the body? What
robber takes time to fold the napkin?)
When we finish a meal we may fold the napkin. Maybe Jesus said “Now I am finished.”
SLIDE 9 John 20: 15-18
tells us 15 Jesus asked
Mary "Woman, why are you weeping?" Supposing him to be the gardener,
she begged "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid
him, and I will take him away."16
Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to him in
Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means Teacher).
17 Jesus said
to her, "Do not cling to me, for I
have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, 'I
am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"18
Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the
Lord"---and that he had said these things to her.
SLIDE 10 Luke 24: 13–
35 gives details when Our Lord also appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
SLIDE 11 John 20: 19-29 adds the
times Jesus came to the disciples through a
locked door in the Upper Room. So the other disciples told Thomas, "We have seen the Lord." But he
said to them, "Unless I see in his
hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails,
and place my hand into his side, I will never believe." Only
mention I coul find in the gospels-of the nails used on the cross.
SLIDE 12 One of my favorite stories of forgiveness comes in chapter
21 of John. Jesus is on the shore,
the disciples are fishing. Jesus instructs
them to cast on the right side of the boat, realizing it is Jesus passionate
loving Peter jumps in the water and goes to Him. The resurrected Jesus eats fish
and bread with them. Then the Master
restores Peter three times.
We are told
in Acts and 1 Corinthians that the resurrected Jesus was seen by as many as 500
people until forty days when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.
SLIDE 13 III Matthew 28:16-20 Disciples meet Jesus
16 Now the eleven
disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.17
And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.18 And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to me.19 Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit,20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded
you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Ladies we are commanded to make disciples!
Slide 14 Are you willing to be Salt,
to “Go and Tell” bearing witness that is Jesus the Light
of the world?
Dr. G.
Campbell Morgan told about an experience in his life that involved
this statement. Early in his Christian life, Morgan used to visit several women
once a week to read the Bible to them. When he came to the end of Matthew’s
gospel, Morgan read, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of this age.”
He added, “Isn’t that a wonderful promise?” One woman quickly replied, “Young
man, that is not a promise— it is a
fact!” WW
Wiersbe, Warren W. (2015-08-18). The BE Series Bundle: The
Gospels: Be Loyal, Be Diligent, Be Compassionate, Be Courageous, Be Alive, and
Be Transformed (The BE Series Commentary) (Kindle Locations 3908-3911). David
C. Cook. Kindle Edition.
Slide 15 In keeping
with the Great Commission I will quickly show you
VERSE EVANGELISM how to use one verse to share salvation to a friend in ten
minutes. You make use the back of your book to draw the diagram.
Adapted with permission from One-Verse Evangelism, copyright 2000 Randy D. Raysbrook.
All rights reserved.
- Write out Romans 6:23 on a piece of paper or a napkin:
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord" (NIV) or ESV.
- Wages Circle the
word “wages” and ask, "How would
you feel if you were not paid your wages." The answer, of course, is
that he would want justice—in this case, the wages he had worked for. Deep
down, we all know that it is only right that we get what we deserve. In like manner, we receive “wages” from God for how we have lived our lives.
- SIN Draw a circle around "SIN," asking your neighbor what he thinks when he hears this word. SIN can be more an attitude than an action. It can be either actively fighting God ‘s will for your life or as simple as excluding Him from our lives.
- SIN Draw a circle around "SIN," asking your neighbor what he thinks when he hears this word. SIN can be more an attitude than an action. It can be either actively fighting God ‘s will for your life or as simple as excluding Him from our lives.
- You can ask, "Has
God ever seemed far away?" If he says "Yes," Explain that it is sin separate us from God
and He seems far away. Now draw two opposing cliffs with a gap or chasm in between.
- - Now let’s add these two words Wages and Sin on one side.
- Circle this word Death and ask what thoughts come to mind. Explain that death in the Bible always means some kind of separation—when we die it is separation from life.
- Circle this word Death and ask what thoughts come to mind. Explain that death in the Bible always means some kind of separation—when we die it is separation from life.
Add the word Death under Sin. God is the author of life, a Spiritual Death
simply means we are separated from God.
- BUT While circling this word, mention that it is important because it means that a sharp contrast in ideas is coming. Add this word at the bottom of the cliff.
- BUT While circling this word, mention that it is important because it means that a sharp contrast in ideas is coming. Add this word at the bottom of the cliff.
- What we have just
looked at is the bad news; let’s
look for the good news.
- Gift Draw a circle around this word. Ask, "If wages are what a person earns, then what is a gift?" - Remind him that though every gift is free for the person receiving it, someone still has to purchase it. Now we will add Free Gift on the opposite cliff.
- Gift Draw a circle around this word. Ask, "If wages are what a person earns, then what is a gift?" - Remind him that though every gift is free for the person receiving it, someone still has to purchase it. Now we will add Free Gift on the opposite cliff.
- Circle of God this free gift. It is from God Himself. Add of God under Free
- It's so special that no one else can give it. Ask, "How do you feel about a free gift?
- Eternal Life Circle
these two words next, and then ask, "How
would you define these words?" Add Eternal Life under Free
- Ask, "What is
the opposite of separation from God?"
- Contrast one side of the cliff, Death, with the
other side, - Eternal Life.
- Man is separated
from a - HOLY GOD by SIN that came
into the world through Adam and Eve. Draw a stick figure at the top of the
cliff on the left sin and write HOLY GOD
on the other side.
-Ask “How we
can ever cross such a great chasm?” Wait for answer.
- Circle these two words next, Christ Jesus
- Circle these two words next, Christ Jesus
- Write these words
so they create a bridge between the two
cliffs. Just as every gift has a
unique giver, only Christ Jesus can give the gift of eternal life.
- Write this word Trust over the bridge you just drew. Explain that a true friend is a friend you can trust, and tell that Jesus is offering to be a true friend to him.
- Write this word Trust over the bridge you just drew. Explain that a true friend is a friend you can trust, and tell that Jesus is offering to be a true friend to him.
We trust our car to get us to work; we trust this chair to
hold us up.
How can we show Trust in Christ Jesus? - circle LORD. We make Him our LORD of our life.
- What does that mean? Every morning thank Him for who He is
and ask Him what you can do for Him today. We trust in Jesus means believing
that He has power to forgive us for
rejecting God and He will wash us clean from all that we have done wrong in
life. Add LORD under the bridge Christ
Jesus. Add lines to make the shape of the Cross. See slide at the top.
- Christ Jesus paid
for our sin through his death.
- We would all be dead in our sin, BUT GOD in His
mercy, sent Jesus to redeem us!
- How do you feel
about Jesus? Will you choose to trust
Would you like to ask Jesus to forgive you of all sin even if
you don’t know what it is?
If No. Ask, “Would you like to know more?” Give Him a copy of the Gospel of John.
Ask him to read the short book and plan to talk again.
- If he says
"Yes," invite him to pray a short prayer in his own words, asking Jesus to forgive him and give him a better life now and in eternity. Congratulate
your friend on their decision to live for Jesus.
Give Him a copy of the Gospel
of John. Ask him to read the short book and plan to talk again.
Adapted with permission from One-Verse Evangelism, copyright 2000 Randy D. Raysbrook.
All rights reserved.
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