Saturday, September 6, 2014

Welcome to CBS Women's Evening Class

Welcome to Women’s Evening CBS. I am Ann Sanger your Teaching Director. We want to thank Firestone Wesleyan and their congregation for hosting us this year. It is hard to believe we were at Flint Groves for 12 years. We desire to build a genuine community here in our groups and in the study as a whole—one that will be an example of Christian love and caring Pastor Roger will present an Opening next week and welcome you to the church. We covenant with the church to reach the community for Jesus Christ.

You should have received a WELCOME PACKET beginning with a letter from your TD-Ann Sanger, a list Leadership and Administrative team, Names and contacts for the Servant Team. Member Information and a Calendar we will address on later.
It is so wonderful to see this large group of ladies come out in the evening to study God’s Word and further your relationship with Jesus Our Lord. Together with our leadership team we hope you are ready to study God’s Word. Mary Alice McDanal is my Associate Teaching Director. Valerie Payne is our Coordinator; Jean Falls is our Prayer Chairman/Senior Leader. Jean and Mary Alice will also be Substitutes if any Core Leaders are unable to lead a core. Mary Alice will introduce the Core Leaders at the end when we send you to you rooms.

People of all ages—from a variety of backgrounds, and with different levels of Bible knowledge—come to study the Bible and grow in their knowledge and relationship with the living Lord. CBS in Gaston County is blessed to have a variety of CBS classes for all ages.
         Men Class @Ranlo Baptist on Tuesday pm
         Women Day class*Parkwood Baptist on Wednesday am
         Women Evening Class Firestone Wesleyan on Thursday pm
         NEW Co-ed Class *Park Street in Belmont on Sunday pm
  • Two Classes have a Children Ministry
       Women's Day
  • Newly formed in January of 2014 is a wonderful group for E-Teens @ Flint Groves on Monday pm.
  • There is Prisoner Ministry@Dallas Correctional Center Tues. @ noon
  • CBSI is in 80 countries taught in 60 languages. We will have an Opening later in the year to share about their work
With all these classes across the world it is imperative that we maintain the goals and guidelines of the CBS organization. Your Core leaders will tell you about this when you leave the sanctuary.

There are many new faces to CBS or new to evening CBS. Some of you come straight from work and we in the evening class try to cater to your busy life sharing grace. You will find we are all sisters in Christ and stay true to the Bible, God’s Holy Word.
Show Cover- We are going to guide you through your newly printed books. They arrived just days before our annual training class. What do you notice about the word Community? Yes the small word UNITY which is what we want to create here at CBS. CBS is part of the community but it is not affiliated with any particular church or denomination. Denominational issues will not be discussed or applied as we study. We show grace and understanding to those whose doctrine is different from our own and we strive to make everyone comfortable, cared for and confident.
Here are some ways you can make a difference in CBS:
• Dig deeply into God’s Word.
• Pray for your class.
• Learn more about CBS. Website, request newsletter, FB, contributions

Ladies this slide is for Ann Sanger. I am not gifted in keeping track of my stuff. That’s why I need a team to keep up with my books, keys, phone, iPad, etc. So Please put your names and your core leaders name, #, and email.  You will receive the next volume around Thanksgiving we should begin Revelation in DEC.

CBS-Our mission is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.

Thirtyseven years ago our founder, Lee Campbell, prayerfully and obediently said “yes” to God’s calling and equipping to serve as our first Executive Director.  After Lee’s 21 years of faithful service God called our Camilla Seabolt, to step out in faith and receive the pass of the leadership baton from Lee. Camilla has served faithfully since 1997. Our veteran core members will remember Camilla’s letter was in the front of every book. 

This is our new Executive Director for CBS National: Kimm Carr. She is vibrant and spirit filled and her letter is now in all the books printed by CBS National. Take time to read her letter; it will inspire you.

This is a CBS 4 Step Method-proven effective over time (Illustration- reading  directions for assembling trellis)
         Personal Study
         Core Group Discussion Please do not stay home because you have incomplete questions.
·        Teaching time is my wrap-up or additional comments on the lesson. Those who cannot stay because of your jobs will find my notes on a blog.
         Commentary –I like to read this for my quiet time soon after Thursday’s class. It has wonderful clues to things we may have missed. It has a couple “thinking questions” concerning the core discussion, lecture or commentary. It is easier to answer while it is fresh in your mind.

How many of you sent children or grandchildren back to school recently?
One word that brings dread ~ HOMEWORK.
But Ladies this is going to be the best time of your day. You may have to find the perfect time for you. But it will bless you in ways you cannot imagine. Can I get Amen?
The writers of the lessons have broken it down into 5 days of questions. If you have a tablet or smart phone I recommend you download the ESV version for quick lookup of the numerous Scriptures. As you will soon learn we go from Genesis to Revelation when we study. If you are new to bible study you may not be familiar with all the smaller books in the bible. Some of those minor prophets seem to hide out when the pastor calls for us to lookup Habakkuk or Nahum.
While we encourage you to spend 15 minutes a day in Bible Study. In the beginning just do as much as you can, it may take you a while to figure out what the writers are asking. Your core leader or another member can give you some tips. Please come on even if you were sick or busy or unable to finish. However, we ask that you refrain from answering those questions you did not complete. 
Different type questions –charts; application

Calendar is in your welcome packet. You may want to highlight coffees and dinners. We love to fellowship and desire to form a close knit group capable of sharing. (snow days)WBTV, WSOC

Table of Contents/Do you see number 11-spiritual warfare? Ladies expect difficulty finding time to do your questions and anything can happen on a Thursday to prevent you from coming. Satan will do anything to dishonor Our Father. The enemy does not want us learning his tricks.

Prayer is a must before tackling you study! Put your armor on and get ready for battle. Here is a sample of your lesson 2 for next week. Lesson one is the Commentary. My tip as a school teacher for 33 years is to read all the questions. Sometimes we get so wound up writing the answer we may answer the next 2 or 3 and run out of room on the page.

Mary Alice McDanal will now introduce our Core Leaders and as she calls your names you can follow your leader to your room. You will have only a few minutes to receive you Name Tag, fill in your first page and say “hello” to each other.

Please return to the sanctuary for our wrap-up. 

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