I'm sure all of you had a wonderful
Christmas holiday and spent time with your friends and family. The more I scale
down my decorations and “feasting” commitments, the more time I can focus my thoughts
of The Greatest Gift of all.
One most special and wondrous event was my “Christmas
at the Library.” It was my pleasure to share the Christmas Story through
children’s books with hundreds of children and adults. As Story Reader I
rotated with three ladies. My break time
allowed me the opportunity to go outside and meet the people. One purpose was
to let parents and children know about the Story time location and hours.
The slide shows the live Nativity
scene which attracted the most children (of all ages.) Notice the mother sheep,
great with “child”( lamb), and her friend a young zebra who constantly stayed
by her side.
Her due date was mid December. Each
night I watched with interest. How good is our God! “The days were accomplished that she should be
delivered. “ Luke 2:6 Can you guess when the twins were born? This photo
came from a friend who works at BGEA.
Several nights I was able to work
outside with Leigh and Nancy Sabol with the Carriage Rides.
Questions! Questions! Questions! “How
was your Christmas? Did you travel? Were you able to celebrate with the family?
Did you eat plenty of good food?” Most of these questions were asked by friends
and family who love you and expressed interest because they care.
Our lesson this week is also about the
questions Jesus was asked by different groups as He taught in the temple. These
questions were not asked in loving concern or even for the exchange of
knowledge. These questions were to set a trap for Jesus, to find some fault in
his ministry, to catch him breaking the Jewish laws, or blasphemy.
Lesson 14: Mark 11:27 – 12:44 (“Jesus
Meets Increasing Hostility”) My question is
Jesus have authority in your life?
Question of
Authority 11:27-33
The Parable of
the Tenants 12:1-12:12
More Questions
Sacrifice 12:35-44
The time for Jesus to fulfill His
ultimate purpose was getting close. Before Christmas we studied Mark 11. The events
included Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the cleansing of the temple.
We are going to take another look
at the temple. The outer courtyard, the Court of the Gentiles, was accessible
to all. Further inside was a latticed barrier, made of stone, prohibiting
non-Jews and non-purified or blemished Jews from going further.
Most Jews would go straight to the
Court of Women. Name because that was as far as women could go. Notice it
elevated from the Gentile area. Do you think that is significant? Let’s take a
closer look.
Jesus did most of His teaching in this
courtyard sometimes called the Treasury,
because this was where offerings were collected. In this close-up, notice the many
steps to the Court of Israel where only men could enter.
Application: How many of you are in a small study group or
book club? You get together and discuss what the author meant by this phrase or
how the characters interacted.
That’s how I interpret this picture.
Jesus is sitting casually chatting amicably with others about the law. See the
one of the religious leader going up the stairs to the Court of Israel.
After the cleansing of the temple
each group is now desperate to stop Him and will use any means necessary.
The Question of Authority Jesus'
spoke with such authority. It threatened the power of the Pharisees. These Pharisees
and Herodians, Sadducees, and scribes were challenging Jesus posing a variety
of questions trying to confound and discredit Jesus, and to turn His followers
against Him.”
Matthew 21:23, Mark 11:28, & Luke
20:2 "By what authority are You
doing these things? And who gave You this authority?" On this
occasion, because of the hardness of their hearts in rejecting John the
Baptist, Jesus did not answer their question directly. Jesus used another
question instead to find the true purpose of the inquirer.
Mark 11:29 “I will ask
you one question; answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these
things. 30 Was the baptism of John from heaven or from
man? Answer me.”
Have you ever been in a conversation especially
family or your children and you decided that no answer would be your best
answer? That’s how the Pharisees felt!
Either answer would get them in trouble.
Jesus have authority in your heart?
Is there some area of your life that
you haven't surrendered fully to his authority?
The Parable of the Tenants is one of the last parables Jesus will
The vineyard is a familiar image in Israel.
Throughout the Old Testament:
Genesis 9-Noah
planted a vineyard.
Judges 15-Samson burns
the fields and vineyards of the Philistines.
1 Kings-King Ahaz
killed Naboth to steal his vineyard.
Proverbs 31 woman
planted a vineyard.
There are 185 references to vine or
vineyard in the KJV of the Bible.
Mark 12:1 And He began to speak unto them by parables:
"A certain man planted a vineyard, and set a hedge about it, and
dug a place for the wine vat, and built a watchtower; and he leased it out to
husbandmen and went into a far country.
In Israel most common people were
familiar tenant farming. Wealthy
landowners rented an out their land. 2 When the season came, he sent a
servant[a] to the tenants to get from them
some of the fruit of the vineyard. 3 And they took him and beat him and
sent him away empty-handed. This was repeated many times until he sent his beloved
Jim Peacock “The arrival of the son and heir was the owner’s final attempt to solve the problem of the dishonest and cruel tenants. Despite the warning contained in this parable,Israel killed its promised Messiah according to “God’s set purpose and foreknowledge” (Acts 2:23). However, in God’s plan of salvation the rejection of the Son of God by Israel gave the Gentiles their opportunity of becoming the people of God. The awesome and wonderful grace of God turned the disaster of Israel’s rebellion into a blessing for all nations.”
Jim Peacock “The arrival of the son and heir was the owner’s final attempt to solve the problem of the dishonest and cruel tenants. Despite the warning contained in this parable,Israel killed its promised Messiah according to “God’s set purpose and foreknowledge” (Acts 2:23). However, in God’s plan of salvation the rejection of the Son of God by Israel gave the Gentiles their opportunity of becoming the people of God. The awesome and wonderful grace of God turned the disaster of Israel’s rebellion into a blessing for all nations.”
Are you willing to give him the first
fruits of your possessions?
Jesus have authority in your life?
More Questions 12:13-34
SLIDE 15 Most are familiar with the question referring
to our responsibility (13-17) paying taxes to Caesar or the government.
Are you rendering to God the things
that are God’s: your money, your talents, your time?
18-27 question of
7 brothers marrying the same childless widow. It was ridiculous because Sadd-u-cees
do not believe in resurrection.
v.24 “Is this not the reason you are
wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?”
*When Jesus said we would be like
angels, He did not mean we would be transformed into angels with wings. But there
would no longer be a need to procreate as man and wife.
Question of Greatest Commandment is
our memory verse Mark 12:30-31
This scribe was one instance of a positive
response to Jesus. 34 And when Jesus saw that he answered
wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.”
How about you? Do you study the scriptures and the
power of God in your life?
Jesus have authority in your life?
Acceptable Sacrifice 12:35-44
Treasury of the Temple was the Outer Court. There were various types of offerings, and thirteen different offering boxes to collect them all.
Jesus was in this area when a poor
widow presented her offering to God as described in Mark 12:41-44 “Truly, I
say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing
to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their
abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she
had to live on.”
Our bodies should be a living
sacrifice. The greatest commandment requires showing complete love to God of
your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second was to love your neighbor.
Are you willing
to make an acceptable sacrifice to God?
Are you willing to make sacrifice for your
Jesus have authority over everything in your life?
After an amazing and uplifting New
Year's Eve at our church, too excited to sleep, I checked my e-mail. This
subject line caught my eye.
YOU volunteer to help the Homeless for 1 night this winter??
* My Pastor reminded us that Jesus owned no home or wealth as He walked this earth. Now I want to appeal to you to have a “heart reboot” for the homeless in Gaston County.
* My Pastor reminded us that Jesus owned no home or wealth as He walked this earth. Now I want to appeal to you to have a “heart reboot” for the homeless in Gaston County.
Many of us could be one
step away from needing financial help ourselves! Through my church and
CBS, I have come to know homeless women, women who were unable to pay their
rent or take a hot bath in the winter time.
urgent appeal is for overflow homeless shelter through this winter
season. I am contacting churches and organizations to secure teams of two or
Ideally one man
and one woman to watch care from 8:30 pm to 6 am. So far I have had 3
responses. Katie and Glenda have offered to stay with me one night.
Angela Dreher, Executive Director and
founder of As One Ministries, Inc. Operates Day Shelter and Resource
Center for Homeless Individuals and Families.
The Day Shelter provides breakfast
and lunch, clothing and provides training and transportation for job interviews
and medical care. There are many areas to volunteer through the day.
Call Angela on her mobile 704-460-0773
Call As One Ministries 704-862-6079 (volunteer staff answer 8:30AM
– 4PM),
Angela spends most of her time and even her nights at the shelter.
The winter shelter will be open
through the end of February on every night where the temperature is expected to
fall below 40 degrees. Unfortunately, on nights where it is expected to be
above 40 degrees, homeless folks are on their own. If there were enough
volunteers, the shelter would be open every night, but right now she only has
volunteers for 4 nights. I am leaving after the lecture tonight to spend my
first night at the shelter.
Won't you walk in His steps and
care for the least of these. Let's get out of our comfort zone. We need to put
feet to our faith and be His arms and feet. Pair up with a buddy to share Jesus’ warmth with the less fortunate.
Please turn your bibles to Matthew 25:34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[a] you did it to me.’
Are you willing to walk a mile in
your neighbor shoes? Remember the story of the Good Samaritan. Let's call the
homeless The Samaritan. Are you willing to sacrifice your comfort, your time to
help take care of the least of these.
Are you willing to give God authority over your life?
Lord, giver of all, we enjoy greater
privileges than Israel had. Help us to
bear the fruit that we should, and show our thankfulness to you by offering
praises from the heart, and by helping those who are in need.
Peacock MA in Theology
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