Ladies it
has been such a long time since I have had the privilege of teaching the
lecture. I am so glad to be back. Did you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving?
Praise the LORD.
Paul tells us in
1 Corinthians 12 that there are many gifts of the Spirit. Do you know your
gift? If you don’t, why not ask a close friend? They are the ones that can see
the manifestation of the Spirit in your life. God doesn’t give us all the same
gift. My daughter was given a beautiful singing voice. I used to stand beside my daughter in our
choir and just pretend that beautiful voice, capable of hitting the highest
note, was coming from my throat. But God in His marvelous wisdom knew I would
be prideful and take credit for my performance. Teaching is one of my talents
and I have to constantly remind myself that it is a gift from God, to direct
positive remarks to give Him the glory, the One who gave me my teaching
abilities. To give Him the honor and praise and adoration! He puts the hunger
in me to dig deep and search the scriptures, and he also gives me the days and
hours that I need to prepare.
What we do with
our gifts is our gift to God! How are you using your gifts? One of my pet
phrases is, “use it or lose it!” In the twilight of our lives we need to
continue to feed our minds and souls, exercise our vocal chords and keep our
fingers nimble. If you have the gift of music or poetry etc., please let us
know. We enjoy hearing from our CBS members during Openings. Didn’t Felicia do
a great job earlier! Ladies we need to use our gifts, sing his praises, and
share how God has blessed us.
we will talk about Samson, the last of our judges in this book. We will take a
few minutes to analyze how well he used his gifts.
The more I
studied the more my opinion of Samson has diminished. There are more chapters in
the book of Judges devoted to Samson than any other man. God is using the
failings of Samson to teach us some important life lessons. Hopefully we will
gain wisdom and insight realizing the importance of God’s direction in our
Christian walk, when make decisions.
A.B. Simpson expressed
it well when he wrote Samson was: ‘A marvellous example of what God might
have done with a thoroughly separated man,
and yet what self-indulgence and sin can do to hinder the glorious promise and the gracious purpose of God.’
and yet what self-indulgence and sin can do to hinder the glorious promise and the gracious purpose of God.’
It's not how you start life, but how you finish that counts for God.
Ladies if you want, open your bible to Judges 13.
While studying
about Samson I chose three points for my lecture tonight
from Warren Wiersbe’s book, Be Available.
· The Child with the Unbelievable Gift
· The Champion with Undefeatable Power
· The Man with the Unreliable Character
The Child with the Unbelievable Gift
Judges 13:1 Now the sons of
Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord, so that the Lord gave them into
the hands of the Philistines forty years. This will be their longest
Ladies are you even surprised!
This time God’s children did not even cry out for deliverance, but He
decided it was time for another miracle.
WW “When God wants to do something really great
in His world, He doesn’t send an army, but an angel,” to deliver a gift for His
special use to fulfill God’s own purpose. In verse 2 we learn Manoah‘s wife was barren and had borne no children.
vv. 3-7 The Angel of the LORD came to the
woman and said” Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son;” ( Angel ascended
to heaven in a fire.)
Sound familiar doesn’t it. How wonderful to have an angelic birth
Sarah - Isaac after 90~ Genesis 17:17
Rachel - Joseph~
Genesis 30:27 (after Leah had 7
Hannah - Samuel~1
Samuel 1:20 Eli the priest
Elizabeth-John the
Baptist~ Luke 1 Zachariah and Elizabeth “well along in years”
Shunammite woman 1 Kings 4
Elisha “She has no son and her
husband is old”
There are several
instances in the bible of barren women giving birth in later years: Sarai,
Rachel, Hannah, Elizabeth, and the Shunammite woman who cared for Elisha. Two
of these, Sara and Elizabeth received a heavenly visitor as well. These sons
were definitely “worth the wait.” We tend to develop great expectation for
things we have long awaited. Manoah and
his wife were faithful, devoted Christians. Manoah urgently prayed for wisdom
and knowledge to raise this special child.
13:7 Samson
was dedicated to be “a Nazirite to God from
the womb to the day of his death.” There are only three mentions made in
Scripture of those who were Nazirites for life, Samson Judg. 13:4-5, Samuel, 1 Sam. 1:11;and John the Baptist Luke 1:15. Some sources
believe Jesus was a Nazirite.
A Nazirite was one who had taken a special vow
before the Lord. The purpose of the vow was to provide a way in which a non-priestly
person could dedicate his life to God. The Nazirite vow was voluntary and
usually temporary, 30-100 days. But in Samson’s case it was ordained by God to
last for his whole life. He
was chosen by God before he was born and uniquely gifted for the work he was to
JV McGee says of
Samson: “Never was a man born with more
glorious opportunities than this man.”
me tells you about a boy who used his blessings as an opportunity to help
others. A child prodigy nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize at age 12.
Gregory Smith born
in PA in1990 could read by age two and had enrolled in
university at 10. By16, Smith was studying for four doctorate degress. His
“genius” is only one aspect of this story. Smith has used his media attention
to advocate children’s rights around the world. He founded an organization that
promotes peace and understanding among the world’s young people. Meeting with leaders
of different countries and speaking in front of the UN, he has been nominated 4
times for a Nobel Peace Prize. His humanitarian efforts are benefiting orphans
and young people around the world. Smith hopes to create safe havens, protected
shelters for children living in war zones and is working to create an international
symbol to mark these and provide protection during conflict.
Smith realizes that he cannot accomplish much alone. “I try to reach out to
other people and encourage them to take part. One drop doesn’t make an ocean,
but with enough drops, you can begin to make a change.”Smith has said. Quite a different attitude from the one Samson chose.
It's not how you start in life, but how you finish that matters.
Gregory Smith not only started out well but has continued to excel in his 21 years.
The Champion with Undefeatable Power
The blessing of
God rested on Samson from his birth. In Mahaneh Dan young Samson no doubt liked
to watch the men get ready for battle. The Spirit of God began to stir in
Samson in his teen years when a Jewish boy becomes a “son of the law” and demonstrates his special gifts. That the Spirit
stirred him at this military staging area indicates that his life’s work would
be the deliverance of his people from the hands of the hated Philistine.
We cannot deny
that Samson was a powerful man, a mighty warrior of great strength, but always
remember his strength was not his hair.
empowered by the Spirit of the LORD, let’s take a look at some of
his extraordinary FEATS of STRENGTH
Ripped apart a young lion Could this have been the LORD warning him to
get out of the vineyard. 1 Peter 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a
roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
- 14:19 Killed 30 men of Ashkelon for their garments
- 15:4 Caught and tied 300 foxes tail to tail & put a torch on each pair
- 15:8 In vengeance, slaughter a great number of Philistines
- 15:14 Easily broke 2 new cords that bound him
- 15:15 Killed 1,000 men with the new jawbone of an ass
- 16:3 carried the gates of the city posts and all for several miles to Hebron
- 16:30 And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life.
For 20 years Samson played the champion, but he failed to act as a leader. He never gathered an army or organized the people to fight the Philistines. The only time there was a united military effort was when the 3,000 men of Judah came to Samson to bind him and deliver him over to the enemy. Notice the phrase “the Philistines are rulers over us” Judges 15 v.11
The Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson: 4 times in the NIV, but
we never heard him call out to the LORD for wisdom or authorization to act. Samson
was more interested in serving himself than serving God. The only reason
Samson fought against the Philistines, was when he felt personally wronged or
out-smarted. But fear not, God is still
orchestrating the “downfall“ of the
One of the times Samson did cry out to the
LORD is in Judges 15:18. He was weakened from battle and proclaimed he would
die of thirst. God produced water from a rock and his strength was revived. Judges
15: 20And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines
twenty years.
Samson had a good start in life, but
it’s how he finished that matters.
Man with the Unreliable Character
Winston Churchill once described the actions of the Russian “It is
a riddle wrapped up in a mystery inside an enigma.” Warren Weirsbe says this quote
could be applied to Samson. He was unpredictable and undependable. James 1:8 “a double minded man is unstable
in all his ways”
Judges 13:3-5 should
have given us a clue (Samson) shall begin
to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines. JVMcGee He was
a beginner, not a finisher. Paul wrote to the Galatians in 5:7 “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?”
6 for a more detailed information in the Nazirite vow.
Numbers 6 3 abstain from wine and beer. not drink vinegar made from wine or from
beer. not drink any grape juice or eat fresh grapes or raisins. 4 He
is not to eat anything produced by the grapevine, from seeds to skin, during
his vow.
Judges 14: 1
Samson went down to Timnath,(why we ask is he in the camp of
the enemy) then he saw a Philistine woman.
Lust of the eyesV2. get her for me to wife. Selfish motive-lust of the flesh
his father and
his mother wisely try to dissuade Samson
from choosing a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines. (Unclean)
Samson said, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well. ME,ME, ME
Judges 17:6 but every man did that which was right in his own eyes
His parents I am sure were disappointed
at the wife their only son had chosen. But God is
working even in this.Samson said, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well. ME,ME, ME
Judges 17:6 but every man did that which was right in his own eyes
Samson again is strolling through the vineyards of Timnath Judges 14:8 …he turned aside to see the honey in the carcass of the lion. 9And he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother
Numbers 6:6 Nazirites must not go near a dead body.
The problem began when Samson turned aside. How often have we be tempted by turning aside from what is right and pure and godly! Ladies we must keep our eyes on the LORD.
Samson must think himself quite clever creating a riddle of his little moment of turning aside in the vineyard. It was not very respectful to make light of his sin. Samson compounded his sin by deceiving his parents.
Numbers 6: 5 no razor may be used on his head..
Samson still had
his long hair, an outward symbol of a Nazirite; but his heart was not totally
focused on God’s purpose for his life. Samson certainly was not bringing glory
to God.
Bible stories for
Children mention Samson and Delilah, but this week we learned Samson had
several ungodly alliances. He had a recurrent weakness.
Superman’s weakness was kryptonite. Samson’s weakness was Philistine women.
Proverbs 6:27-28Can a man take fire in his bosom And
his clothes not be burned? Or can a man walk on hot coals And his feet not be scorched?
Judges 16:19 Delilah Having
put him to sleep on her lap, called a man to shave off the seven
braids of his hair, and so began to subdue him. And his strength left him.
20 But he did not know that the LORD had left him.
Ladies this is the saddest thing of the entire story. Samson did not know that the LORD had left
How often do we try to do things
in our own strength without God’s guidance or blessing. This is surely a lesson
for Christian Living.Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death (James 1:14-15).
Judges 14:4 says The LORD, who was seeking an occasion to confront the Philistines; “ Samson’s last day turned out to be his BEST
There are some SIMILARITIES in lives of Samson and of Jesus Christ - births were foretold about an angel and were dedicated to God from the womb. Both men moved in the power of the Holy Spirit. They were rejected by their people and bound and tortured at the hands of their enemies.
Many CONTRASTS between Samson’s life and Jesus
Samson live a life of sin;
Jesus life was
Sampson at the
time at his death prayed, Judges 16:28
I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes
I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes
Jesus prayed, “ Father
forgive them, for they know not what they do”
In death Samson's arms were outstretched in
In death Jesus
arms were outstretched in love
Sampson died.
Jesus Christ
Friends, many
times as Christian we can be distracted by the bus-i-ness of the world and make
bad choices in emotional circumstances. The secular world tries to convince us
that what the Bible says is outdated or untrue.
A popular phrase in the 60’s “If
it feels good, do it” is still dictating the lives of people today. Sometimes
we can’t do what we feel-because it contradicts God WORD and His will for our
Isaiah 55:9 (KJV) 9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
It’s not how you begin, but how you finish
that makes the difference.
May we be able to say as Paul: I
have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2
Tim. 4:7)
God is still
looking for people He can use for His glory.
Will you choose to be available for his call?
If you have
problems in your walk with the Lord, I invite you right now to confess to Him,
receive His forgiveness and be made ready to be used by Him in His time.
Any member of the
Servants Team or your Core Leader would be happy to talk to you after the
Let us Pray
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