Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mark 4-5 Lesson 7 Stiller of the Storm

Mark 4-5, Lesson 7 Stiller of the Storms
 Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, was victorious in every situation and  conqueror over every enemy. He can bring calm to the storms in your life.
1 John 5:4 (ESV)  For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith.
Romans all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Ladies we can be victorious only when we trust in Jesus  
PRAY You may open your bibles to Mark 4
Jesus has victory
·        Danger (4:35-41).
·        Demons (5:1-20).
·        Diseases (5:25-34)
·        Death (5:21-43)
Victory over Dangers (4:35-41). Who but Jesus could sleep in the middle of a storm? He had no fear for His safety. The disciples had seen Jesus cast out demons and heal the leper. Was anything too hard for Him? Why were the disciples fearful in the storm? Jesus is Creator, LORD of All. But we have to put our Faith in Him knowing He loves us and cares for our safety.

39 And he awoke and (AU)rebuked the wind and said to the sea,
“Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and (AV)there was a great calm.
40 He said to them, “Why are you (AW)so afraid? Have you still no faith?”
Through Faith in Jesus we can be victorious over dangers  

Mark 5:22 And when Jesus had stepped out of the boat, immediately there met him
 out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit.
Why was the man waiting on the shore for Jesus? Had the demons anticipated his coming? Warren Wiersbe says the storm could have been an attempt by the kingdom of darkness to discourage Jesus’ arrival. Jesus rebuked the wind and the waters as if they were disobedient. God, the creator, has control over all of His creations.
Demons originally were angels, created by God.  From the time that Jesus stepped his foot on the isle of Ger-a-“seens”, the demons knew Jesus had authority over them. Don’t confuse the man falling on his knees with the demons worshipping God! In verse 7 the demons were acknowledging that Christ with the Son of the most high God.

Mark 5:4- for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him.
The demonic powers were strong, but Jesus is Omnipotent; He is LORD of All.
5:5-Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones. How desperate must he be!  The agony he endured because of the legions, 1,000’s of demons? But here is the GOOD NEWS!
·        Jesus has dominion over the demons!
o   v.8“Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”
·        The demons recognized His power.
o   v. -10,12 they begged
o   13 So he gave them permission.
 “Go home to your friends and (L)tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” He was likely the first missionary to the Gentiles.
1 John 4:4 Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
Believers in FAITH can call on the name of Jesus.
Only through Jesus we can be victorious over Satan.
Victory over Disease and Death (5:24-34)

unnamed woman
poor-wasted all her money on a cure
ceremonially unclean
pious ruler of synagogue
isolated from family and society
leader of the religious group
suffered in her infirmity for 12 years
child gave 12 years old of joy
acknowledged the women publicly
healed child in privacy
v. 34 your faith has made you well;
v. 36“Do not fear, only believe.”

For Jairus and the woman in the crowd, Jesus was literally their last hope. Jairus was a powerful ruler of the synagogue surely wealthy. For him to seek out Jesus, he must have been desperate.

Jesus was on the way to heal the dying child when a woman in the crowd touched the hem of his garment. Jairus probably thought this was an interruption, but it would lead to a demonstration of His Power miracle-right in the home of a religious leader!
 Not unlike the leper, this woman was an outcast, unclean. She did not cry out the name of Jesus or utter a statement of belief in Jesus. Some commentators suggest she may have had some pagan superstitions seeking only to touch the hem of His garment.
For her to venture out in public was a risk. She was physically weak yet she braved the crowds and timidly reached out her hand. Jesus showed love and acceptance to the unnamed woman. 
When 34 he said to her, Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” It was a public acknowledgement to her and the crowd.
Jesus knew that power had gone out from him. He was able to release enough power to heal a woman of a 12 year hemorrhage of blood yet still have plenty of power left to raise Jairus daughter from the dead.  Beth Moore  If Jesus doesn't grant you what you ask in faith, it is never because he lacks the power.”

Jairus had faith in Jesus to heal His daughter. His faith was the key to her healing. Perhaps the public healing of the women was an encouragement to Jairus.
We realize Jesus did not heal every man, woman, and child during his brief ministry. But these healings were to bring glory to God and to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament. Through Jesus we can be victorious over disease and death.

1 Corinthians 15:56-57
 The sting of death is sin, and (BT)the power of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, (BU)who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus Cares for Women
      Woman with issue of blood
      Daughter of Jairus  And today He still cares for the
      Victims of Trafficking

The Jan. issue of CBSInternation’s Global Report can still be accessed through the National CBS website or a link from our webpage.)
 Bimala manages a safe house in Kathmandu, Nepal. She started a foundation called Asha Nepal, which advocates for women and girls who suffer from extreme human rights abuses. It offers a safe haven, counseling, medical care, legal support, education and job training, helping its residents become self-sufficient and re-integrate into society. The word Asha means hope. In the past year CBSI has partnered with Asha Nepal, forming study groups in the home and in recent months sending a team of CBSI Children & Youth Ministry trainers to Kathmandu to help children of women there experience the love of Jesus through Scripture study.

Bimala says “I treasure them as I would Rahab of Jericho because, like her, many of those we have rescued have become believers, and as a result of their testimonies their families have believed in the Lord and been saved. Now they are totally free from sexual problems and exploitation. God has made them new in Christ, and actually they are stronger believers than some of us who work with them.” Only God knew why I kept this issue and would you believe found it just this week.

As the brown UPS truck stopped at the Christian school where Sarah worked her heart pounded. For year she dreaded its arrival always hiding from its uniform driver. She prayed he wouldn't see her behind her custodians mop and breathed a sigh of relief when he left.
Later gathering her courage she asked her coworker in heavily accented English, “Why is he here?” The secretary looked blankly as Sarah’s frightened face and the UPS package. It was only then that Sarah realized she had been told the last of the lies her “boss” had used in torment. A Brazilian kindergarten teacher answered a newspaper ad, “American Dream: A new opportunity for life.” Promised $20 an hour, free transportation , passport, and legal US entry.

 Sound too good to be true! A Nightmare Turn Miracle by Jean Kim McLain was in an October magazine. 
      Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery 
      Victims are used commercial sex or labor purposes
      Traffickers use lies, force, or ignorance of law to exploit victims
      Victims passports, visas, and money is confiscated by the trafficker

Human Trafficking is Here in North Carolina

It is estimated that North Carolina ranks in the top eight for human trafficking in the United States. Reasons why NC is a hotspot for human trafficking:
- Major highways (40, 85, 95, etc. all come through our state)
- Large military presence with a transient population
- Huge agricultural community
- Eastern NC ports and large rural areas
46% may become victims of prostitution. Many of us may continue to shield our eyes from the evil in this world; to believe this kind of woman submitted voluntarily to this life of horror.  Victims can also be found in domestic situations as nannies or maids, sweatshop factories, janitorial jobs, construction sites, farm work, restaurants.
THIS NUMBER 1-888-3737.888 wil be displayed on the next 6 slides.  If you agree
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world today, often operated by organized crime syndicates, second largest only to drugs. Many of us come into contact with victims of human exploitation and never know it.  Awareness of the issue can make us more sensitive to the problem and more likely to recognize it. One way you can help is to be informed, be prepared, and be concerned enough to help.  
You may know there will be a Parade of Tables here at Flint Groves tomorrow night. Saturday the same tables will be filled with a different group of ladies. Homeless, jobless, perhaps abused.
When I emailed Pastor Ronnie Bowers wife, Norma replied A small group of ladies at our church have been praying since May about this new ministry. Our women’s ministry has developed a passion for reaching out to those in the bondage of human trafficking.  We are in the process of developing a ministry geared toward helping rescue and restore victims and also working to reach out to possible victims in our area.  We hope to one day offer a restoration house for victims and working toward that goal.” Several more events are planned upcoming months to promote awareness and offer training as well.   …the Lord has opened doors that we could have never imagined
50% victims are Children
Many victims in the U.S. do not speak English and are unable to communicate with service providers, police, or others who might be able to help them. They do not realize their captures are breaking the law. Victims don’t seek help because of fear
What Children Believe :
            will be united with family,
            work in a legitimate job
            to attend school
Often kept isolated and activities restricted to prevent them from seeking help.May be watched, escorted or guarded; Traffickers may “coach” victims to answer questions with cover story about being wife, student or tourist.
How can this happen in the United States?
      Fear, distrust health providers, government, police
   Fear of being deported
      Unaware what is being done to them is a crime
   Do not consider themselves victims
   Blame themselves for their situations
      May develop loyalties, positive feelings toward trafficker as coping mechanism
   May try to protect trafficker from authorities
      Sometimes victims do not know where they are, because traffickers frequently move them to escape detection
      Fear for safety of family in home country
These simple questions can provide evidence that someone is being physically controlled or abused:
*Are you being paid for your work?
*Can you leave your job if you want to?
*Can you come and go as you please?
*Do you have to get permission to spend money/eat/sleep/use the restroom?
*Has your identification/passport/documentation been taken from you?
*Have you or your family been threatened in any way?
Would you choose to help others be victorious through knowing Jesus as LORD? 1888-3737-8888

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mark 4 ~Parables Ordinary Stories with Extraordinary Meanings

The Billy Graham library unveiled an 8 foot bronze sculpture of the Sower and the Soils in April 2011. Sculptor Tom White wanted to depict the sower from the parables but also the conditions of man’s heart.
There are four soils illustrated on the base and at the feet of the Sower. Only the seeds sown on fertile soil will yield a harvest. The seeds on the hard path are eaten by crows, while the stony ground with shallow soil produced growth, but died from no water.
Thorns and thistles choking out the seed, and the wheat (depicting the good harvest) Tom White “hopes that this sculpture will inspire men to become 'fertile soil' as they choose to receive the seed that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ... and that they go forth to spread that seed into the lives of others.”  (Mark 4:2-20).
What kind of soil are you? He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Tonight I am using Psalm 119:33-35 as my prayer.
Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes; and I will keep it to the end.
Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.
Mark 4 ~Parables Ordinary Stories with Extraordinary Meanings
·       A kingdom parable (4:1-9)
o   Why did Jesus teach in parables?
o   To reveal or to conceal?
·       A kingdom parable explained (4:10-20)
o   What kind of soil are you?
o    How to be a better listener.
·       Other parables 4:21-34

The parable of the sower generated a great many sermons by various ministers and notables writers through history.  In my search for inspiration, I was very excited to discover that Charlotte has a fresco of the Sower. The art of fresco is method of painting water-based pigments on freshly applied plaster. When it dries it become a permanent part of the wall.
You may have traveled to Ashe County to see the four frescoes by the artist Ben Long. Gerald Steinmeyer, who had worked with Ben Long, was commissioned to create this beautiful mural of the Sower in the chapel of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. logo “Sowing seeds for 20 Years.”

How are you growing?
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Jesus’ used a parable about seeds and soils to explain the kingdom of God. The parable of the sower is found in three of the gospels:  Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8. The Gospel of John has no parables.
The parable of the Sower and The Soils—could be an evangelistic sermon about sharing the plan of salvation to the lost. A sermon to believers reminding them to be prepared for the kind of soils they will meet along the way. Can you imagine the frustration of losing ¼ of your harvest? Does this mean we only witness to those with willing hearts?
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
Warren Wiersbe said, “the parables are not bedtime stories to put you to sleep, but rather bugle calls to wake you up.” to realize the urgency for lost souls that is revealed as we study the parables. The parables speak of our responsibility to learn, live, and share God’s truth.”  Mark 4:9  Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Pay attention to the message God has for you.
We know that Jesus was gathering a crowd of followers, so many he had to teach from a boat. Surely in this crow he drew the attention of those plotting His death. Jesus began the parable with the word “LISTEN.” The form of the word “hear” is used 13 times in chapter 4.
Matthew 1310 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” 11 And he answered them, (J)“To you it has been given to know (K)the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. The Plan of God for our salvation, previously a mystery, is now revealed. We must make it known and declare openly.
The central figure is the Sower. Crows can be seen eating the seed of the beaten down path.  Many more lessons are surely hidden in the mural. On the left is pictured a Roman centurion. A closer look reveals the seeds bouncing off the hard metal. Man kneeling on the path realizes young plants have died because no water. Luke 8:6 tells us some seed “grew up, then it withered away, because it had no moisture.  There was no thirst for Jesus’ message, for the Living WORD. Jesus taught using parables as a way to conceal the Truth and to reveal it. To a disinterested listener, the parable was just a nice story.
But to the sincere listener who wanted to learn more from the LORD, it was something to be pondered. This slide depicts more scenes from the fresco. The young girl is gathering wheat notice the smile on her face and the workers gathering the harvest. The lady in pink is content.
Warren Wiersbe says “the parable would begin as innocently as a picture but the more we study it becomes a “mirror” to see ourselves and our faults.”  Conviction of our sins would draw us to the Truth of God or as Lady in blue turned her back to the Word. Notice hem of her garment encircle the thistles, she showed interest but was draw away. She represents wealth and cares of the world. Man’s hand pulls on her robe drawing her away.
Are you listening to hear what plans God has for you?
 Mattew 13:13 This is why I speak to them in parables, because (N)seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, (O)nor do they understand.
Who can hear the parable of the lamp hidden under a bushel without remembering the melodious tones of the CBS duo, Sandy and Sallie? Let’s sing these verses together
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel - NO! I'm gonna let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel - NO! I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel - NO! I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
We are the lamps. As the oil in the lamp needs to be replenished, we as Christians must be replenished by daily time with the Master. The light representing “the Kingdom of God” must not be hidden or just whispered in secret. It must it must be boldly and clearly proclaimed "so that those who are seeking will be drawn to the light."  In the coming election Christians need to shine the light of the Truth for all to see.
Won't let Satan blow it out. I'm gonna let it shine.
Won't let Satan blow it out. I'm gonna let it shine.
Won't let Satan blow it out. I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Jesus also warns “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you. 25 For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”
Spurgeon A teacher of the gospel is like the sower. He does not make his seed; it is given him by his divine Master. No man could create the smallest grain that ever grew upon the earth, much less the celestial seed of eternal life. 
The parable of the mustard seed.  The kingdom of God is like a grain of mustard seed. This was the traditional symbol of what was tiny. Verse 32 “yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”  
Jesus is encouraging His disciples that great harvest of souls can come from small seeds of the gospel. Jesus began with 12 disciples. The risen LORD appeared to more than 500 believers. 1 Cor.15:6.  Acts 4:4 5000 men heard the WORD and believed.
Pastor Mark Hiehle points out that as Christians we have heard the parables so many times we assume there is nothing new to learn. We must be careful not to close our ears to what the Lord wants us to hear. That is why CBS is such a wonderful place to learn. How many references have we looked up from Genesis to Revelation while studying the Gospel of Mark?
Every time God’s Word comes to you, either at CBS, in your church, through reading daily devotions, on the radio or television, or by some other means, the state of your heart will dictate how you will respond.

God’s Word also comes to us many different seasons in our life. Our LORD knows what we need and when to reveal deeper aspects of the WORD to us. How many times have you read Isaiah 40:31 but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. 
The condition of our heart will determine what happens to that Word when we hear it. God wants to produce change and His desire is for your actions to be Christ like and your life to be fruitful. God needs hearts that are receptive for His use. Listen carefully to what God has for you.
How can we cultivate a rich heart of fertile soil, ready for God Word? Let’s look at some “P’s” of gardening PLOW, PREPARE, PLANT, PROTECT
Plow The first thing to do in getting our heart ready is to turn it over to Him. Break up the clots of stubbornness and pride. Get rid of the gravel of unforgiveness. Take out the weeds of bitterness and doubt. How? Repent of any known sin. It is no mistake that the word repent means, "to turn."
Prepare The second step is to fertilize the soil. Establish a quiet time in prayer thereby developing an intimate relationship so the LORD to speak to you Spend time in God’s Word so that the life-giving truth of scripture can soak deep into your heart.        
The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.
Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man.
Dwight L Moody

Plant Your heart is like a garden. Be careful what you plant now;
it will determine what you will reap later.
* If you plant love, you will reap blessings
* If you plant joy, you will reap contentment
* If you plant peace, you will reap comfort
* If you plant patience, you will reap hope
* If you plant kindness, you will reap gratitude
* If you plant goodness, you will reap heavenly riches
* If you plant faithfulness, you will receive
* If you plant gentleness, you will reap honor
* If you plant self-control, you will reap happiness
Galatians 6:7 for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
When trying to grow seeds, remember they have to be watered daily.  A sprinkling God’s Word each morning will nourish your heart.
PROTECT our hearts-The fourth step is to continually weed the garden of your heart. Watch out for satan and his demons sowing tares in your garden. Guard your heart from the thorns of anxiety, worry, and the cares of the world. Whatever you put in your mind is what comes out.  Choose wisely when you watch TV or listen to the radio. Let us be ready soil that is good for God to use. And with good soil that is daily cultivated and ready to receive His Word, a harvest will be produced.
"Grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (II Peter 3:18) and may you reap rich results.
Will you choose to be an active listener to the Word of God?